OKeefe Calls on Whistleblowers to Expose the Entire Rotten Silicon Valley Tech Machine After Tech Tyrants Launch Coordinated Attack on Infowars

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila  Comments

Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe

President of Project Veritas, James O’Keefe vowed to “expose the entire rotten tech machine” after Facebook, YouTube, Google and Apple banned Infowars in a coordinated attack on Monday.

On Monday Facebook caved to the leftist media mob demanding censorship of InfoWars and permanently banned their page.

And now Google-YouTube has terminated the Infowars Account.

The tech tyrants launched a coordinated attack on Alex Jones and Infowars. Make no mistake, they are coming for FOX News, Breitbart News and Gateway Pundit next.

James O’Keefe vowed to expose the rotten tech machine and called on whistleblowers to contact Project Veritas.

O’Keefe tweeted: Infowars targeted, taken off social media. These tech companies’ practices are opaque and given their power must be made more transparent. We will expose the entire rotten tech machine. Are you on the inside? Contact us: VeritasTips@protonmail.com

Infowars targeted, taken off social media. These tech companies’ practices are opaque and given their power must be made more transparent. We will expose the entire rotten tech machine. Are you on the inside? Contact us: VeritasTips@protonmail.com

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) August 6, 2018

Project Veritas recently busted Twitter in a series of undercover videos showing engineers bragging about shadowbanning Trump supporters.


Undercover audio from Twitter:

“Every single conversation is going to be rated by a machine and the machine is going to say whether or not it’s a positive or negative thing…”

“… it’s going to ban a way of talking.”

Video: https://t.co/9qgZHRRgw2 pic.twitter.com/VPU4DCPIDH

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) August 6, 2018

The @nytimes asks — and then answers:

“Is Twitter shadow banning Republicans? No, it is not.”

We call BS! So did @realDonaldTrump.@LiamStack, we challenge you to watch this short clip and then justify your #FAKENEWS statement about #shadowbanning. pic.twitter.com/xgthBHazLj

— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) July 26, 2018